Adult Therapeutic Recreation

Classes will be held every Wednesday starting July 17, 2024, through August 14, 2024, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Located at St. John of God Community Services.
Grounded in the theory of Eight Dimensions of Wellness, the Therapeutic Recreation Program offers Adults with Disabilities recreational and leisure activities that promote a joy for living. Leisure is that time free from demands of work or required activities of daily living. Everyone needs regular recreation that develops skills, promotes good health, relieves stress and facilitates social interactions.
At St. John of God Community Services, we provide a wide variety of recreation and leisure activities that enrich the creative spirit and stimulate the intellect. These activities are available to all residents of the greater community and are tailored to specifically meet the accessibility needs of the disabled individual.
Activities include: Arts & Crafts, Cooking & Nutrition, Mission Alive, Exercise, trips and more.
For questions or to enroll your loved one in Adult Therapeutic Recreation's events, please contact:
Alyssa Russell
Director of Clinical Operations
856-848-4700 x2103