Information for Parents and Guardians
Programs Supported by The Fulfillment Center at St. John of God Community Services:
Extended Employment (EE) - Designed to provide long term employment for adults with disabilities.
Supported Employment (SE) - On-going support services provided to an individual. This program is aimed at providing long term assistance and follow-along services to adults with disabilities within The Fulfillment Center or out into the community.
Pre-vocational Evaluation (PVE) - A comprehensive, individualized and systematic process, in which an individual, in partnership with the evaluator and DVRS counselor, learns to identify vocational options consistent with his or her abilities, capabilities, preferences and interests and develop employment goals and objectives.
Qualifying for Services
In order to qualify for services supported by The Fulfillment Center at St. John of God Community Services, all adults seeking enrollment must have a diagnosed disability and a referral from their local New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Office. Please refer to the table below for information on contacting your local office:
Gloucester County:
1480 Tanyard Road, Suite A
Sewell, NJ 08080
Phone: (856) 384-3738
Fax: (856) 384-3777
Email: DVR.Sewell@dol.nj.gov
Camden County:
101 Woodcrest Road, Suite 127
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Phone: (856) 614-2500
Fax: (856) 614-2538
Email: DVR.Camden@dol.nj.gov
Burlington County:
795 Woodland Road, Suite 201
Westampton, NJ 08060
Phone: (609) 518-3948
Fax: (609) 498-7011
Email: DVR.Westampton@dol.nj.gov
Salem and Cumberland County:
40 East Broad Street
Suite 204
Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302
Phone: (856) 453-3888
Fax: (856) 453-3929
Email: DVR.Bridgeton@dol.nj.gov
Transportation Information
Parents or guardians are always welcome to pick-up and drop-off their loved ones at the end or beginning of the day. in addition, transportation services are available by both of the providers, below. Please contact the following for information on transportation assistance:
Access Link - http://www.njtransit.com/tm/tm_servlet.srv?hdnPageAction=AccessLinkTo
Gloucester County Transportation - http://www.gloucestercountynj.gov/depts/h/humanser/transportation.asp